Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Welcome to My Blog! // About Me

Hello Beautiful!

Welcome to my brand new blog! Since it is only fitting, i thought why not share with some of you guys a little bit about myself and describe to you what i am hoping to accomplish with this new blog of mine. I want to be interactive with you guys and really become a part of this whole blogging community, so i want YOU to leave me a comment telling me a little something about yourself. That way we can both get to know each other a bit more, instead of this whole thing being a one-sided relationship-which is NOT what i want this blog to turn into.

So I'm going to start this post off by telling you a little bit of history behind this whole idea. I love love love all things fashion, beauty, lifestyle, DIY, and pretty much anything else you can find on Pinterest. So over the years, i have accumulated quite a bit of quirky little ideas that I've written down in my little moleskin notebook, that i had always hoped to share them with someone, someday. Over a large period of time, I've actually started up a few YouTube channels in hopes to share some of my projects with the world. But, lets face it. I'm an awkward mess. i cant talk to a camera, my hair never seems to be tame, and my voice just sounds absolutely terrifying in video. Like seriously, you'd probably think i was a prepubescent little boy if you didn't know who i was. So after finally giving up on my dreams of sharing my thoughts with the world, i realized that YouTube wasn't the only way to get myself out there. There were hundreds of different methods of getting my thoughts out to the public, and some didn't even require me to speak to do so. So after some planning and preparing, and even though I'm not the best writer, I decided to start up my own blog.

some facts about me:

  • I am now 16 years old (almost 17)
  •  I'm a junior in high school
  • i am completely obsessed with fandoms, social media, YouTube, and pretty much the whole Internet in general.

Like c'mon. it just doesn't get any better than that. ^

  • i am OBSESSED with cats. like, seriously. there are more cats than there are people living in my household. i have a problem.
  • i am a very crafty person and i can learn new things super fast. for example, i once taught myself how to crochet by watching YouTube videos about crocheting and copying there movements.
  • I've also taught myself how to play the ukulele in just a few days, and i have been playing it for about a year now.
  • i am a identical twin. There is a 21 minute difference between the two of us, and i am the oldest out of us both. Who knows, maybe she'll post some stuff of her own on here.
  • i love meeting new people, however, I'm so incredibly shy. That is why i started this blog, so i can get out of my shell a bit and talk to all of you!

So this blog will pretty much just be whatever is on my mind. I have the freedom to say whatever i want on here, and i am going to do just that. I might post diy projects, some art, inspirational motivation type stuff, some fashion I've been loving recently, maybe some updates on my life, lifestyle/fitness,makeup, food, and maybe some random lists of cheesy jokes I've found funny( there's a lotta those!). So stay tuned, subscribe, follow, whatever y'all do on here, and i hope to see you in my next post!!

      Arsenale White Regular